New Series - The Colt Sebastian Taylor Show
So as you may have noticed, I've started a new series called "The Colt Sebastian Taylor Show." With the retirement of Colt's Cult...

Behind The Scenes - Colt's Crazy Warehouse Sales
This was a dangerous trio. During my time at Taylor Gifts, I made two "Crazy Warehouse Sale" videos with my good friend the Duke of the...

The 12 Days of X-Mas Saga
While working at Taylor Gifts, I put together a 12 Days of Christmas video highlighting various sales we were having on our website. This po

How I Ended Up On TV In Delaware For 6 Months
My recent announcement about my two new series appearing on Relevant TV reminded me of my first appearance on TV a couple of years ago on &q

Get Ready. Two Series Start: Colt’s Cocktails and Colt’s Cult Classics
There are two new series debuting: Colt's Cocktails and Colt's Cult Classics. Read the background on these series and catch the firs

Jobless- What I'd Like To Do
So with the demise of Taylor Gifts last month I find myself without… what’s the word, ah yes, employment. Although never officially told...