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Colt’s Critics Corner – Blood Sucking Bastards

I recently went to the movies and saw a great comedy horror movie, Blood Sucking Bastards. This movie was fantastic. It was funny, well written, well-acted, and well directed. It stars Fran Kranz & Pedro Pascal and is directed by Brian O’ Connell. It is supported by a very talented and strong cast with many memorable characters. Just about everyone in this movie has a great one liner. My favorite one liner is just after someone's neck gets snapped, "Oh my god! That actually works?!"

I think what I like most about this movie is the quick and clever dialogue the characters have back and forth throughout the movie. There is some very clever banter that is flawlessly delivered in this flick. I’ve read that this movie is Office Space meets Shaun of the Dead. That is a great way to describe this movie, but I’ve been saying this is an Office Space meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (I think you'll agree with me if you've seen the series.) However you want to describe it, one thing is for sure: This movie is damn funny.

It has a limited release right now, but never fear! You can also purchase this movie on many Video on Demand sites and quite possibly through your own cable provider.

This movie has inspired a new segment, Colt’s Critics Corner and in this debut segment I give this movie 5 Pith Helmets out of 5 Pith Helmets.

I hope you enjoy this movie as much as I did. Bam Snap!

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