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Latest Videos - Press Conferences

If you are a frequent visitor to my website and YouTube page, you've known that many of my recent videos are filmed at my secret underground bar. It is more or less my usual set up when I want to film something. However, as of late, I've been enjoying filming press conferences and being introduced by Roger The Warehouse Monster.

This isn't the first time I've given a press conference. I toyed with the format when I was running to be Beach Gary's VP a couple of years ago. While sadly I did not win the grand prize but did snag a sweet hammock, I liked the format and tucked it away in my mind. I think this is the perfect format when I want to make announcements. Unfortunately, my good friend Corey Holland is no longer available to provide security as he did in the Beach Gary video, I'm lucky that my good friend Roger The Warehouse Monster is still available to introduce me. My favorite part of these videos is the "news crawl" along the bottom. For those with good eyes, they are changed every time and make references to my old friends at Ye Ole Taylor Gifts.

The first of three news conferences I gave was to be the Chief Donut Officer of Entenmann's. This video was for a contest they were holding. They originally just wanted written submissions, but I decided to go the extra mile and push to have me be named for this honorary title. Unfortunately, I didn't even make the first round of cuts. I guess Entenmann's doesn't appreciate going the extra mile for things, which could explain some of their products. It was a terrible mistake on their part, and they would have gotten a lot more bang for their buck if they selected me.

The second news conference I gave was in the wake of the whole Papa John's debacle with their founder and former CEO. I thought that I would be a perfect replacement to be the fake CEO of that pizza franchise. I mean, that guy is a bit of a dork, and there is no way he's coming back from this. He was already on thin ice as it was for raising pizza prices and blaming it on Obama and then blaming the NFL for reduced profits. This guy is a total joke. Who better to replace a total joke than someone who is a bit of a joke, but way more handsome and rocks out a Pith Helmet? In Papa John's time of need, I graciously offered my services to them. Again, they turned me down. This despite the endorsement of the author of the bestseller, "Everything Trump Touches Dies" Rick Wilson and a runner-up in the Papa Johns Create Your Own Pizza Contest, James Bradford. If those two endorsements didn't do it for me, then obviously Papa John's isn't taking a new CEO search seriously. Sidenote: You should follow James Bradford on Twitter and buy Rick's Book!

My most recent news conference was for Starkist. Charlie and Candace Cameron Bure are looking for someone to join their Chicken Creations Crew. Given how tasty their Chicken Creation pouches are and how much I love to snack on them when I am on my adventures, I thought I would be a natural choice. I once again called a press conference to offer my services to Starkist. At least this time, unlike the fools at Entenmann's and Papa John's, my efforts were acknowledged. At least Charlie and Candance can appreciate talent when they see it. In fact, I tweeted it to Candace, and she thought it was fabulous enough to retweet. Will I be selected for this great honor? Time will tell.

Behind The Scenes - The Set-Up

So you will see some very familiar things in my news conferences, a red curtain, and a podium. In the very first news conference I filmed for Beach Gary, it was produced at The N Crowd's old theater, The Actors Center. Unfortunately, that building was sold, but they've found a wonderful new home at the Philly Improv Theater in Philadelphia. That being said, they had a lot of extra equipment that needed storage. I offered to hold on to some things for them until they needed it again. Amongst their collection was their red curtain and podium.

So I put up the curtain and the podium. The camera is turned 90 degrees to face the wall with the setup. After that, it is pretty simple.

I will likely alternate videos shots between the bar and my press conference set up. If companies start to send me products to test out again, I may set up a third one somewhere else. Time will tell.


This is the original "News Conference" style shot featuring Roger The Warehouse Monster and Corey Holland. Enjoy!

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