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My Newest Adventure

Greetings friends!

I'm proud to announce my newest adventure today. You are probably assuming it is something outlandish like traveling around the world to search out the best gummy bear. Or perhaps you think it is a quest to play Ping-Pong with Joe Biden. Well, my friends, it isn't something as grand as that, but something I'm quite excited to tell you about.

Today, I'm announcing the start of my very own Digital Marketing Consulting services. I, Colt Sebastian Taylor, am available to guide you through the world of digital marketing. This guidance not only includes my signature product demo and interview videos, but also social media management, analytics analysis, as well as pay per click advertising. My years of experience in these areas are at your disposal.

While my availability is somewhat limited nowadays, I do have random spats of free time throughout the year. I usually always make time for someone who wants to film an interview or would like me to field test a product or service. A lofty goal of mine would be to be in or film a TV commercial for a local business. Those car dealership commercials could use a pith helmet or two.

So you may be asking yourself, "Why are you doing this Colt?" Well, I've always had a bit of interest in this area and have been actively promoting myself over the past few years. I feel like I'm at the point where I do have something of value to offer others, especially those who do not have a lot of experience in this area. Digital marketing can be quite the black hole that consumes a lot of time. Let me help you navigate it and keep you from crashing into the rocks.

Huzzah friends!

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