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Sandwich Bros. - A Delicious Win

Over the summer I won a few contests of note. None were more delicious than the contest my friends at Sandwich Bros ran. They basically wanted to see a 30 second video plugging one of their wonderful flatbread sandwiches. Now I’ve never been a fan of microwavable instant sandwiches. I now know that’s because I’ve never had a good one before. These ladies and gents know how to make a good sandwich. My favorite is the chicken followed closely by the angus cheeseburger.

For the contest, the folks at Sandwich Brothers wanted a 30 second video that plugged their wonderful product. I was more than happy to oblige. They liked this video so much, they picked me to be the grand prize winner. What did I win? Some cash and a year’s supply of Sandwich Bros.! Check it out:

Now for some behind the scenes trivia. This video while it may seem simple, was a challenge to film. As you can see, it is at night when I filmed this. Apparently outside there were some deer, alerting my fearless wolf hound Gizmo. Several takes were ruined by his barking in the background. Finally, after he had declared my bunker to be “Secure” he went to sleep just next to me on the floor. I guess he was concerned for my safety during my filming.

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