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#eTail East 2015 Wrap Up

Now that I have all of my videos posted, I can take some time to talk about eTail East in Boston. Once again the wonderful people at eTail know how to organize a great conference. While the East Coast version is smaller than the West Coast version, there is no shortage when it comes to quality. Of the time I spent there, I thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I drove myself up to Boston from Philadelphia on Tuesday, since flying last time was a near disaster with missing luggage and missing flights. As a side note, to avoid New York City traffic, I highly suggest taking 209 through the Delaware Water Gap. It is a very scenic drive. I arrived Tuesday afternoon at the Sheraton Hotel in Boston. Since I was only going to be there for one solid day, I immediately got to work filming some interviews. Oddly enough, I had somewhat of a difficult time securing some interviews. People weren’t as forthcoming to talk to me as they were in Palm Springs. Maybe the lack of sun that first day made people a little less chipper. However, I eventually got into a rhythm and interviewed many people.

(Photo from Chelsea Raegan)

That evening, I attended a networking event hosted by SiteSpect on the 50th floor Prudential Tower. I’m not one to ever be that high up in the air, but the view was very impressive and the food quite tasty. They had music, some “living statues” and an artist drawing caricatures. I filmed a video of myself being drawn while interviewing someone else at the same time. It was one of the strangest interviews I’ve ever filmed.

The following day I hit the conference floor hard and conducted many interviews and talked with several vendors for technology upgrades at Taylor Gifts. There were a lot of neat vendors there as well as some familiar faces from eTail West. I wanted to snag an interview with Adelle from Invodo, but she was extremely busy at this conference. I also saw her at IRCE in Chicago. She and Sebastian Hunt are my unofficial conference buddies.

The one thing I wasn’t able to do as much was attend sessions. Since I was on a truncated time schedule, I had a lot less time to sit in and listen to people than I did in Palm Springs. I did attend several morning sessions and found them to be as interesting and informative as I did in Palm Springs. The work email service providers are doing to personalize emails based on the web pages you visit are quite amazing.

Overall, I had a great time. I’m not sure if I’ll be back at another eTail conference, but if my adventures take me there I’ll be sure to film it.

Enjoy these highlights.

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