AWSM Radio & Rizzle News
Colt's Corner
This is my main channel on Rizzle. With over 2,600 episodes as of March 2021, this channel covers a variety of topics. Generally, I respond to prompts I am tagged in and pick a few every day to offer my own thoughts and advice on. These videos are mostly filmed from my bar but occasionally you will see me in front of a red curtain from time to time. Click here to visit and subscribe.
In The News With Colt Sebastian Taylor
This Rizzle channel is a news channel with more serious content on it and usually updated with breaking news events. Sometimes there can be serval videos a day, and sometimes days will pass without an update. Click here to visit and subscribe.
Colt's Secret Drives
This Rizzle channel features me when I am either driving or on a treadmill. The production value is a little less in these videos since I am either driving or walking, so I like to keep them on this channel. Most of these videos are responses to tags I get throughout the week offering my own thoughts. Click here to visit and subscribe.
In The CST Office
This is my news Rizzle Channel created as I started to do more videos from my office. Again, this mostly an aesthetic choice as I like to keep most "Colt's Corner" videos at my bar. These videos are pretty much the same except I am speaking from my office. Occasionally, I will need to be next to a computer to share some details about a subject as well. Click here to visit and subscribe.
The most important part of any of these shows is you! I want you to engage with me on Twitter, Rizzle, or even Facebook and let me know what you think about the stories I'm covering or if there is something you think I should talk about. I'm more than happy to give you my take on a story or do a little research for you. Would you like to become an official sponsor of any of these shows? Get in touch with me, and we can figure something out. I hope you enjoy my work and get a little more informed!